Tuesday, July 30, 2013

What is Buddhism?

The Teachings Of Venerable Master Chin Kung (净空法师的教诲)

Buddhism is an education, not a religion. We do not worship the Buddha, we respect him as a teacher. His teaching enable us to leave suffering and attain happiness by going to the Pure Land.


What does Buddha means?
"Buddha" means enlightenment or understanding. Complete understanding is when one realises the truth about life and the universe, willing to "let go" his worries and attachment to this world with faith in this one name of Amitabha and determined to reach the Pure Land.
Therefore, one should follow the Five Precepts and the Ten Virtues(五戒十善)to keep his mind pure and at peace so as to prevent distortion from greed, hatred and ignorance.


The Five Precepts the basic that a human should do:

(1) No Killing - If one kills and takes lives of others, he will go to the three evil paths which are the animals path, hungry ghosts path and hell path (畜生道、餓鬼道以及地獄道), or in his life, he is bound to be short-lived.

(1) 不杀戒 - 谓人若于彼众生,妄加杀害,而夺其命,死堕恶道;或生人中,亦寿命短促。若 不作是事,名不杀戒

(2) No Stealing - If one steals things that does not belongs to him, he will go to the three evil paths, or he will be poor for his whole life as a karma.

(2) 不偷盗戒 - 谓人若于有主物不与而窃取之,死堕恶道;或生人中,亦受贫乏报。若不作是事,名不偷盗戒。

(3) No Lust - If one greed for lust, he will go to the three evil paths, or his wife is not a woman with chastity.

(3) 不邪淫戒 - 谓人若淫泆无度,好犯他人妻妾,死堕恶道;或生人中,妻妾亦不贞良。若不作是事,名不邪淫戒。

(4) No Lies and Dishonesty - If one lies and gives misconceptions to the public, he will go to the three evil paths, or he will have bad breath that is not tolerable by others.

(4) 不妄语戒 - 谓人若妄造虚言,隐覆实事,诳惑众听,死堕恶道;或生人中,亦口气臭恶,为人所憎。若不作是事,名不妄语戒。

(5) No Alcohol Drinks - If one drinks alcohol fiercely and cannot control himself, he is without
(5) 不饮酒戒 - 谓人若饮酒则纵逸狂悖,昏乱愚痴,无有智慧。若不饮者,是名不饮酒戒。

 The Ten Virtues (十法戒):

(1) 不杀生 - No Killing
(2) 不偷盗 - No Stealing
(3) 不邪淫 - No Lusting
(4) 不妄语 - No Lies and Dishonesty
(5) 不两舌 - No Gossiping that will create misunderstanding
(6) 不恶口 - No saying of negative words
(7) 不绮语 - No praising that makes someone feels great
(8) 不贪欲 - No greed
(9) 不嗔恚 - No hatred
(10) 不邪见 - No evil thoughts

Hope everyone has the chance of studying Buddhism early to leave from sufferings.


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