Tuesday, July 30, 2013

南无药师琉璃光如来 Nan Mo Yao Shi Liu Li Guang Ru Lai


By reciting Nan Mo Yao Shi Liu Li Guang Ru Lai, you can:

1。得安乐 be safe and sound
2。除一切病 cure all illness
3。延年益寿 live long
4。得富饶 be abundant
5。灭除一切恶业重罪 remove all sins and bad karma
6。离障难 leave suffering
7。增长一切百法诸功德 grow hundred Dharmas and various good deeds
8。成就一切诸善根 establish all various good intentions
9。远离一切诸怖畏 Keep away from fear
When your life ended, any Pure Land you wish to go, you will reach there.

佛法 - 希望众生往内探求更多反省,更多的智慧, 以更多的慈悲心和谦逊心,来化解尘世间的沉重负担,这就是无上的功德。
Buddhism hopes every living things can have more self-reflection and wisdom to develop benevolence and humbleness to solve the pressure and heavy burden the world has. If everyone can do this, merits are done supremely and boundless.

Nan Mo A Mi Tuo Fo

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